About Registering This game is shareware. This means if you like this game and decide to keep it, you should send me $10 to register it. This registration will be good for all versions of the game, and, when implemented will allow you to play across a network. I realize most people don't pay this, but, if you want to see further updates please send something. Registration entitles you to: • A release of the game on disk • A registration code which allows you to use all the game features This game is provided as is, and no guarantee is made about the stability of this game on your particular computer. I take no responsibility if this game doesn't work on your system, or in any way causes you loss. Send registrations/comments/suggestions/bug reports to: Nathan Sturtevant 84 Yosemite Ct. Ventura, CA 93003 What Registering enables When you register the game I will give you a personalized serial number in order to enable extra features. For fastest service, give me your e-mail address and ask me to send you your registration code (in place of getting it on disk.) This saves me time & money. I may not be too prompt about mailing disks out. When you have entered your registration code the following things will be enabled: • Computer Speech (with the speech manager installed) • Background Music (with QuickTime 2.0 or higher installed) • Editing custom weapons & creating several menus of custom weapons • Having more than 10 background textures for land and sky. Notes about music As of yet there is no "official" Dome Wars music. The game does support, for Registered Users, midi background music, based from QuickTime 2.0. Music files are stored in the Music Files folder. (Note the change from previous versions.) Because of questions of copyright, I am not longer including midi files with this application. If you would like information on how to get MIDI files, you can send me e-mail, or try looking at www.midi.com. Dome Wars uses two music files, one as an introduction, and one as background music for the game. The file Dome Wars Music is the music that is played during game play. The file Dome Wars Intro is the music that is played when you are not playing the game. Any midi file, or quicktime file will work. So, if you have a digitized soundtrack of your own that you want to use, you can place it as the sound track of a movie and it will play properly as background music. (You can even have a video track — the results are quite interesting.) I have found that some of the background tracks from Doom work well.